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Mighty Max: the making of the restoration
Update on the restoration (July 2018)
The Backwards History of Mighty Max
The super glue idea that not many people know about
The Story of Mighty Max - Documentary - Season 2 Episode 2
Mighty Max S01E01 A Bellwether in Ones Cap RESTORED 4.0
The Toy Scavenger's Toy History of MIGHTY MAX
Mighty Max S01E04 Day of the Cyclops RESTORED 3.0
Revisiting Mighty Max as an Adult - Retrospective Review of Episode 1 (90s Nostalgia)
Mighty Max S01E03 Snakes and Laddies RESTORED 3.0
Loads of vintage Mighty Max
Why is it Not Patented? Wrap an LED Bulb with Electrical Tape and you'll be Amazed